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kubectl is Kubernetes' command line tool that lets you control your Kubernetes clusters. You can configure kubectl using a kubeconfig file named config placed in your $HOME/.kube directory.

You can run kubectl commands using the following syntax from a terminal window:

kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags]


  • command: is used to specify the operation that you'd like to perform on your Kubernetes resources.
  • TYPE: is used to specify the resource type on which you'd like to perform your operation. Examples of resource types are pods, bindings, endpoints, configmaps, etc.
  • NAME: is used to specify the name of the resource.
  • flags is used to specify optional flags such as -s or --server.

Visit the official Kubernetes documentation sites for detailed explanations of the syntax, operations, resource types, output options, and examples of common operations.

To check out our very own command-line tool for running operations on the LOGIQ Observability platform, visit our logiqctl documentation site.